Lab-grown meat and the cat who ate a species

This month I wrote two very different stories that are both about eating meat of one kind or another. One is science-based and a look at how far along the road we are to being able to grow meat in a lab on an industrial scale. The other is the only known example of one animal being responsible for the death of an entire species.

I have had a rush of work from a couple of my clients and even more on Fiverr. That has meant I’ve neglected work on Medium, which is a shame as I love writing about whatever tickles my fancy. Sadly, I can’t really share about 90% of what I do, as all the work is ghost-writing for others. Whatever. Here are some fun stories.

Lab-grown Meat Is Our Tasty Future and Is Already a Huge Business

Given humanity’s dual eagerness for procreation and eating meat, something has to change. Vat-grown meat is almost here and is likely to be the future of food. Read here.

(Photo by Daniel Vogel on Unsplash)

The Cat Responsible for the Death of an Entire Species

This is the story of a pregnant cat called Tibbles, who was brought to a remote island that had a rare flightless bird living on it. You can probably guess how it panned out. Read it here.

(Photo by Piotr Musioł on Unsplash)

I hope you enjoy both stories, they were certainly fun to write. I guess I was thinking about meat a lot last month.

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