The most highly rated books about writing are obviously going to be a subjective list. But these are definitely among the best and have stood the test of time.
These books aren’t just about how to write. They also discuss the art of writing, guidance, tips, and more. Read them, and you will feel inspired. Probably.
This list is partly personal and partly what others have thought are the most helpful and most highly rated books on the topic. I should add that I have read them all, and they are all classics – the most recently published book on the list was released in 2000.
So with that in mind, I hope you enjoy exploring the list, and feel free to disagree. Also, if you think this list is rubbish, feel free to keep it to yourself.
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King
This is probably the most obvious choice for highly-rated books about writing. And justifiable so. Everyone has heard of Stephen King, and his book On Writing is superb. I’ve read it several times. While reading, King will likely inspire you to just get on with writing something – probably a novel. He also talks candidly about how he got started, his troubles with addiction, and also some great writing and grammar tips. This one is first on the list, even though this list is in no particular order, because it’s probably my favourite.
You can check out On Writing by Stephen King here.
The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White
Over fifty years old and still incredibly relevant, The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White is a well-loved classic. It is a manual and guide on how to write. It provides guidelines and principles that will improve your writing. It’s even endorsed by Stephen King. This has been one of the most highly rated books on how to write ever written.
You can learn more about it and read over 10,000 reviews here.
Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg
Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg is all about the writing practice. She teaches how to learn, develop and practice writing skills. Unlike a straightforward ‘how to’ guide, this infuses a dash of meditation-type mindsets and intuition into the art. Don’t worry, it isn’t overly Zen or spiritual, but it is a slightly different look at the craft from someone who’s an expert on the topic.
See if Writing Down the Bones is for you by clicking on this link. Do it.
Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott
If you’re a writer and feeling self-doubt or suffering from writer’s block, then Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott is a great choice. Lamott writes humorously and elegantly about what it is actually like to be a writer. She talks about the ups and downs of the craft while also providing some incredibly helpful tips. Easy to read and highly informative.
You can check out Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott here. It’s a NY Times bestseller – so it’s clearly of interest to more than just scribes, but might not be for everyone.
Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting by Syd Field
This list is about the most highly rated books on the topic of writing. That includes screenwriting – which means Syd Field. He has taught Judd Apatow, Alfonso Cuaron, Frank Durabont, and a ton of others how to write scripts. However, I have no desire to write a script (I’m a journalist and author and that’s fine,) yet I have a copy of Screenplay at my parent’s house in the UK, another here in Bangkok, and another on Kindle. Because this book isn’t just about screenplays, it’s about how to structure a story, develop likeable and compelling characters, and hook an audience from the start. And lots more. A superb book.
You can read more about it here.
I have tried to provide a bit of variety in the selection, and it is subjective. However, these are incredibly highly rated books by any metric, and all have stood the test of time. The most recent one, Stephen King’s On Writing, was published in 2000.
These are in no particular order, and I have tried to provide a wider selection to suit all tastes. However, if you were to ask me which I have read multiple times and would personally strongly recommend, it would be Stephen King and Syd Field. I have writer friends who would definitely pick one of the others. They are all classics, so click on the links (yes, they’re affiliatate links that cost you nothing) and see what others have to say. Enjoy.